
A quick thank you to all the support I got last night! Thank you all for the motivation.

Anyways, this morning I woke up three hours late. Here is the conversation I had with myself:

7am: *alarm noise*

7am: “Agh, ok let’s get up” *turns off alarm*

7:01am: “Uhm, five minutes couldn’t hurt anybody”

Some unknown time during my dream in which I think was drawing an elephant airplane but created a normal airplane prototype: “Oh know I fell asleep, awesome! I need to get up now”

Time unknown: *sits up on bed* *cat meowing so loud it sounds like a human yelling* *freaks out starts preparing to go to battle* *cat runs upstairs into my room* *freaking out stops* *sees time*

10:00am: “Perfect timing” *feeds cat* 

Now, this is a random story, yes. This blog is going to be full of them. Then followed by a little explanation, so here I go:

Explanation: My cat was worried about me. He wanted to make sure I got up NOW to do my errands for the day. Maybe so, yeah who am I kidding? He was looking out for himself. 

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