Packing up.

My mother and I started packing up the rest of my sister’s belongings in her room. See, she went off to college and now we are going to be using her room for storage for both hers and my stuff that we leave behind. So, as we were packing up I realized how much she left behind. These things she left behind I thought were important to her but obviously I was wrong. These things were accessories, things she didn’t need but rather wanted. 

This inspired me.

Here we are in this life, going through the motions, and collecting all of these temporary items (movie tickets, birthday cards, baby dolls, etc.). These temporary items hold memories and the more powerful the memory the more permantent these items become. 

Then you have those permanent items you finally have to let go of and it’s like letting go of a memory, thus these items are temporary still but the memory isn’t.

Items are temporary, memories don’t have to be.

I am a hoarder of sentimental belongings. I admit that. This experience today lead me to begin a new path. This path being: be a hoarder of memories, not the items of a memory.

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